Boat Insurance in Virginia & Maryland
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- Boat Insurance in Virginia & Maryland
Boat Insurance
- What Is It?
- Who Needs It?
- Coverages Offered
Boat insurance is similar to car insurance in many ways, but there are notable differences between the two types of policies.
Some marinas require boaters who use marina docks to maintain certain levels of insurance. Marinas that have a requirement will notify boaters before letting out a slip or mooring.
Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: Might cover injuries to people outside of the insured watercraft
Medical Payments Coverage: Might cover injuries to people on the watercraft
Property Damage Liability Coverage: Might cover damage to others’ property
Collision and Comprehensive Coverage: Might cover damage to the watercraft
Beacon Insurance Group is Here to Help
For decades, Beacon Insurance Group has been providing quality and affordable insurance coverage to the good people of Virginia and Maryland. Our team has carefully handpicked reputable insurance companies that we are confident can provide you with the security and peace of mind that you deserve.
Whether you are a business owner or looking for protection in your everyday personal life, we know that you don’t have the time to worry about your insurance programs. That’s what we are here for. At Beacon Insurance Group, we do the digging to find you the best possible coverage at the best possible price.
It’s incredibly important to us that we continually provide you with expertise and that personal touch that you are looking for when it comes to finding high-quality boat insurance.
Fill out the form to get in touch with a specialized boat insurance agent and we will get you the superior customer service that you deserve!
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What is Boat Insurance?
Owning a boat can be great fun, but operating a watercraft comes with certain risks. Boat insurance won’t stop an accident from occurring on the water, but it could provide Virginia and Maryland boaters with financial protection if something does happen.
Boat insurance is similar to car insurance in many ways, but there are notable differences between the two types of policies. Boaters shouldn’t assume they know what protections the coverages within boat policies provide, but should instead review each coverage with an insurance agent who specializes in these policies.
Who in Virginia & Maryland Needs Watercraft Insurance?
Virginia and Maryland don’t have state laws that require boaters to carry watercraft insurance, but it’s generally good to have if you own a powerboat, sailboat or personal watercraft. Not having insurance can result in devastating financial losses if there’s an accident, and even a small boat can be involved in an accident where someone is injured or drowns.
Additionally, some marinas require boaters who use marina docks to maintain certain levels of insurance. Marinas that have a requirement will notify boaters before letting out a slip or mooring.
What Coverages Does Watercraft Insurance Come With?
Watercraft insurance may come with a range of coverages, some of which often include:
- Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: Might cover injuries to people outside of the insured watercraft
- Medical Payments Coverage: Might cover injuries to people on the watercraft
- Property Damage Liability Coverage: Might cover damage to others’ property
- Collision and Comprehensive Coverage: Might cover damage to the watercraft
In addition to these coverages, watercraft insurance policies frequently also offer the following options:
- Coverage for on-water towing
- Coverage for safety gear, sports equipment and tackle
- Coverage for recovering costs if the watercraft sinks

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Boats?
Some homeowners insurance policies cover small boats, but any coverage is usually limited to only small watercraft and even then is often quite limited. In many cases, a proper boat policy is advisable. An experienced insurance agent can help evaluate and homeowners coverage for boats.
How Can Boaters in Virginia & Maryland Get Boat Insurance?
For help insuring a boat that’s registered in Virginia or Maryland, contact the independent insurance agents at Beacon Insurance Group. We’ve helped many boaters and will work with you to find the boat insurance that you need.
What are the Advantages of Working with an Independent Agent like Beacon Insurance Group?
This is a question that we hear all the time – and that’s okay! – because we know that the insurance world can be confusing. That’s why we are here to help you.
Securing your insurance through an independent agent rather than buying straight from an insurance company is similar to hiring a lawyer before going to court, rather than defending yourself. Just like lawyers, independent agents have the knowledge of the entire industry with attention to important, cost-saving details that only come with years of experience.
But, UNLIKE lawyers, going through an independent agent not only comes with no extra charge, but it can often SAVE you money by being able to shop your needs to many different insurance companies, and also by ensuring that you are only being covered for what you need.